Does Big E have a wife? Exploring the former WWE Champion's dating life and more

Big E is one of the most beloved wrestlers in WWE, known for his strength, charisma, and athleticism. His latest matchup, a tag team match held on March 11 last year, left him on a stretcher as he took an injury to the neck. While his professional career has been put on hold due to this, his personal life remains relatively unknown to the public.

It has been rumored multiple times that Big E is dating Celeste Bonin (fka Kaitlyn) due to their close friendship. During an episode of the Sessions podcast, Renee Paquette (fka Renee Young) brought up the topic, to which Big E mentioned that they are just good friends. He further opened up, revealing that he has met Bonin's significant other. As of 2023, Big E does not have a wife and is not dating anyone.

Big E shared that he continues to keep a close eye on his friend, though he confessed that they don't talk as much now compared to when they worked together. It was bittersweet when she had to leave, but at the same time, he knew that it was time for Bonin to focus on a new journey.

"And just seeing, kind of, she posts often about her journey mentally, and I'm just really proud of her growth as a human, so, you know, I just kind of hit her up and we just talked briefly about that stuff. But yeah it's really good to see her in a good place. And also, like for her to leave the company and just start this business and seeing that it's still going strong. That's a successful good business."

It's not uncommon for fans to be curious about the personal lives of their favorite wrestlers, and E is no exception. The 37-year-old is still in his prime, and while his personal life remains largely private, one thing is certain – his fans will continue to support him no matter what.

How long will Big E be out of action?

As of March 2023, it has been a year since the Powerhouse of The New Day competed in the ring and fans have been wondering whether he will return. While the neck injury was initially feared to be severe, Big E is expected to make a full recovery.

On March 11, 2022, on an episode of Friday Night SmackDown, Big E and Kofi Kingston took on Sheamus and Ridge Holland. During a suplex from Holland, E landed on the top of his head, fracturing his C1 and C6 vertebrae. Luckily for him, there was no need for surgery and he was able to recover from home, further putting his future in WWE on hold. Unfortunately, this could mean that his time competing has finally run its course.

In an interview on Out of Character, Big E shared his preference to move into voice work and revealed that he would also consider a career in acting. The former champion has a natural gift for delivering powerful speeches and cutting promos with a great ability to connect with the audience.

"For right now, I’m cleared to live a normal life and I do live a normal life. But, I’m not cleared to be taking off and hitting suicide spears and be to be taking back bumps. The nature of what we do is very physical, it involves your neck and your spine, and I’d like to keep that as intact as possible. So we’re talking about March 2023 to see whats doing. We might also along the way, at the 6 and 9 month mark, look it again. But, the upside is that right now, I have no nerve issues, there’s no tingling, no weakness." [H/T SEScoops]

Although it would be great to see Big E reunite with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, there is no point in rushing his recovery. He has already proven himself to be a talented athlete with an infectious personality. Whether he is competing in the ring, delivering a promo or simply entertaining the crowd with his humor, the former champion has always been a powerhouse performer.

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