President Donald Trump Weighs In On Florida Gov. Ron DeSantiss Decision To Reopen Schools Despite

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently did an interview where he mulled the idea of reopening schools during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has infected 533,259 Americans and killed 20,597 thus far.

Over 16,000 people in Florida had tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 350 deaths. This week, the Republican surprised many by signaling that he is hoping to reopen all Florida schools in May.

Students and educators have been staying home after being closed since March due to the coronavirus outbreak.

DeSantis said the following: “We’re going to look at the evidence and make a decision. If it’s safe, we want kids to be in school. … Even if it’s for a couple of weeks, we think there would be value in that.”

DeSantis went on to make the eye-popping remark: “This particular pandemic is one where I don’t think nationwide there’s been a single fatality under 25. For whatever reason, it just doesn’t seem to threaten, you know, kids. And we lose in Florida between five and 10 kids a year for the flu. This one, for whatever reason, much more dangerous if you’re 65 and plus than the flu, no doubt about that. If you’re younger, it just hasn’t had an impact, so that should factor into how we’re viewing this. I think the data on that has been 100 percent consistent,” he continued. “I’ve not seen any deviation on that.”

President Donald Trump and Doctor Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, shut down DeSantis’S hopes to reopen schools. Fauci and Trump said that school would be reopening in the fall.

The scientist said: “Bottom line is, no absolute prediction, but I think we’re going to be in good shape. It’s going to be different, remember now, because this is not going to disappear.”

The top White House health official added: “If you have a situation where you don’t have a real good control over an outbreak, and you allow children together, they will likely get infected.”

Trump was also asked to share his thoughts on the matter, and he said: “I think I know the answer to that. He’s doing a great job as governor. Ron DeSantis, I had read where he’s thinking about opening up the schools earlier than the date — the end of the month. I’d have to look at the numbers, but I like to allow governors to make decisions without overruling them. “

He continued: “If I disagreed, I would overrule the governor, and I have that right to do it. He hasn’t said he’s going to, but he’s thinking about it, so I’ll take a look at it. “


DeSantis’s communications director, Helen Aguirre Ferré, said that the administration is currently weighing in on the matter.
