"The guy looks horrible bald-headed"

During his days as an active WWE talent, Triple H was known for his long hair, which has vanished since he became an executive. While fans might like The Game's look these days, Vince Russo admitted that he hated the "bald-headed" avatar of the Hall of Famer.

WWE's Chief Content Officer appeared on RAW this week and introduced the new World Heavyweight Championship. Vince Russo closely watched the segment and noticed that Triple H seems to have aged drastically in recent times.

Russo and co-host Dr. Chris Featherstone then discussed why Triple H has regularly shaved his head over the past few years on the latest Legion of RAW:

"I was looking at Triple H closely tonight in the ring. Listen, bro, I've aged, but thank god, I have gone and experienced nowhere the stress level that Triple H [has]. I can't even imagine. With that being said, bro, I've got a question, Chris. Maybe you can answer this; maybe the Sportskeeda nation can answer this. Bro, did Triple H shave his head because he was balding, or did he just shave his head?" [2:05 - 2:50]

Russo doubted the explanation for Triple H maintaining a spotlessly shaved head just because he was now a WWE corporate team member. The former WWE writer recalled seeing Triple H sport a crew cut not too long ago and had some intriguing questions about The Cerebral Assassin's transformation.

"I don't think so, bro; I don't think he went straight to the bald head. I think he kind of, like, had a crew cut. I've got to be honest with you. I think the guy looks horrible bald-headed. That's why I'm asking the question. So like, I honestly didn't know. Bro, you're bald because you have no other choice, or do you think that's a good look? I never thought the bald thing was a good look for Triple H." [2:51 - 3:30]

Vince Russo feels the stressful WWE job has taken a toll on Triple H

Vince Russo has known Triple H since the glory days of the Attitude Era when he worked in the creative team and helped create storylines for the former D-Generation X member.

Russo claimed that Triple H looked much better with his famous mane and said the 53-year-old legitimately looked like a matinee idol during his prime. The former head writer then spoke about the pressure of heading the writing team in WWE and felt Triple H was probably showing the effects of the stress of being the boss.

The outspoken wrestling veteran added:

"He looked great [with the long hair]. You guys know, on Russo's Brand, I do the Attitude Era. He looks like Fabio, bro. He looks like a Matinee idol. That's what I'm saying. I remember working with that guy, and I'm looking at him today with the lines on the forehead and the red eyes. Bro, seriously, man! Very stressful [job]. A, I don't care how much money it pays you. B, I don't care how much you love it; that type of stress will literally take years off your life." [3:30 -4:35]

Do you also dislike Triple H's current look? Let us know in the comments section below.

If you use quotes from this article, please embed the YouTube video and add a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.

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