Toya Johnson Looks Gorgeous At A Recent Brunch She Had With Her Family See More Photos

Toya Johnson looks amazing at a recent brunch that she had with her family and friends. Check out the post that she shared to see the new pics.

‘More photos from my 1st #giveyourfriendsflowersbrunch💐. We had a great time!
📸: @eyeof_aries’ Toya captioned her post.

A follower said: ‘you have probably already checked out my vintage shop maybe u liked it maybe u didn’t but for the people that did we got lots of new items for sale.’

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A post shared by Antonia “Toya” Johnson (@toyajohnson)

Someone else posted this: ‘Man that was an amazing idea! You are incredible T💛’ and a follower saaid: ‘Group of the most beautiful women on this planet 😍.’

A commenter said: ‘Classy and fabulous! Elegance is the only beauty that never fades ♥️♥️’ and somoene else posted this: ‘Toya seems like she’s a really good friend.’

A fans: ‘So gorgeous Toya! You seem to be an amazing sister and friend!’ and one follower posted this: ‘@toyajohnson you forgot about your friend in SC! Where’s my flowers??🧐 lol ❤️’

Someone else said: ‘@toyajohnson this is priceless 💯 you keep being Toya! Nobody can pull it off but you🔥💪🏿’ and a commenter posted this: ‘I’ll have an order of @toyajohnson with some fries 🍟 on the side lol ♥️♥️’

A fan posted this: ‘I love it and I was wondering where your momma was at. That’s my girl she is the life of the party. But I want that purse it’s the cutest.’

In other news, Toya Johnson believes that if you value your friends and family, you should go ahead and let them know. Check out the message that she shared on her social media account.


‘“If you value your friends and family, you should go ahead and tell them. Life is short…People never get the flowers while they can still smell them.”
