What happened to Jenny 69? Miss Lady Pinks and SPM jumped video drama explored

Social media star Jenny 69 got jumped by rapper Miss Lady Pinks and her friend. The three were present at Down AKA Kilo's set where he was shooting a music video. Social media gossip pages have now revealed that the He’s No Good crooner attacked Jenny for her allegedly supporting convicted s*x offender SPM.

YouTuber PanchoDoesItBetter shared text messages of an anonymous person revealing that Jenny 69 called the police on Miss Lady Pinks and her friend after they physically assaulted her. The Youtuber also shared a screenshot of Miss Lady Pink’s Instagram story which was allegedly uploaded after the fight. In the same, Miss Lady Pink has said that she is not a supporter of child mol*sters or “cop callers.”

Meanwhile, podcast channel Foo Community’s co-host Flyboy revealed that he saved Jenny 69 from getting attacked during her fight with Pinks and her friend. He said:

“I seen what happened… Jenny’s my homegirl now. Are you going to call me a child mol*ster now too? Like is that the narrative that you guys want to go with? Then go believe that fool on the internet.”

Why did Jenny 69 get attacked by Miss Lady Pinks? SPM drama explained

In a YouTube video, PanchoDoesItBetter disclosed that he had been informed by sources that Jenny 69—real name Jenny Ruiz—and Miss Lady Pinks had a "hater beef" because the influencer blended "cholo style with the buchona style" and became "recognized" for it.

In a recent Instagram comment, Miss Lady Pinks disclosed that she was at odds with Ruiz for pressuring her friends to sing and dance to a song by SPM, who was detained for aggravated s*xual assault of a nine-year-old child.

Miss Lady Pinks also revealed that her friends were unaware of the details behind SPM’s s*x offender case but “knew something.” She also shared that she was taken by surprise when Jenny 69 uploaded a video of the friends in question dancing to SPM’s song to social media.

At the time of writing this article, Ruiz had not addressed claims of her supporting SPM. However, she did take to Instagram Live to address the fight.

Jenny 69 claims that she was set up by Down AKA Kilo

Jenny 69’s husband Emmanuel Santana initially took to Instagram to comment that Down AKA Kilo set up Ruiz to get jumped by Miss Lady Pinks. The same was later confirmed by Ruiz on Instagram. Ruiz also claimed in the live stream that she was not only attacked by Pinks but also by Kilo.

She said:

“I supported Kilo. I wanted us to both win… Never once did I think that he was going to set me up or like get away with it or do some sh*t like that… I was attacked again by Kilo, who almost f**king strangled me in the back of the building.”

Ruiz also revealed that after she was attacked by Kilo, the latter invited Miss Lady Pinks and her friend to his music video set to speak ill about the influencer.

While addressing the same with Roadium Radio, Down AKA Kilo denied the accusations by saying that he would “never do that to a woman. I’m against that homeboy.” He also said that Ruiz “lives off of the drama.”

Meanwhile, Miss Lady Pinks has taken to her Instagram story to share cryptic messages of which one read- “when disrespected don’t let things slide / always stand for what it right.”

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