When can Icebox be expected to return in Valorant?

Valorant fans are extremely happy with Riot returning Bind to the game's map pool with Episode 6 Act 3. The map was a fan-favorite removed from the pool in Episode 6 Act 1, as a new map Lotus alongside a reworked Split, came to the pool. That said, fans had to say goodbye to Icebox as Bind returned. Episode 6 Act 3 brought many changes to the game, but removing Icebox was a pivotal part of Riot's plan as it was a long time coming. Fans have repeatedly complained about the map's imbalanced structure and lack of dynamics.

With Valorant nearing Episode 7, many fans wonder when they will see Icebox again. Despite being one of the least favorite maps for players, Icebox still saw a decent amount of picks in esports and matchmaking.

When can Valorant fans expect Icebox to return to the map pool?

Recently, many fans have bumped into the new Icebox rework leaks on Reddit and Twitter. Readers will be happy to learn that these are essential changes that are possibly already in the works. However, Icebox's return may be a bit far away.

Bind was removed alongside Breeze from the queue in Episode 6 Act 1. Riot added it back in Episode 6 Act 3. The map went through a few significant changes that improved its quality overall. Moreover, fans can expect the same treatment for Icebox.

Maybe an Act's gap is all Riot needs to rework Icebox. It can be speculated that Icebox may return to the pool in Valorant Episode 7 Act 2.

That being said, the leaked changes have taken over the Valorant community. The leaked images suggest three changes to Icebox's A-Site, one on the Mid section and two near the B-Site.

While Riot Games has not officially confirmed these, one can still assume the developers will put in more work before the official news drop. Currently, fans can only speculate about the changes coming to the map.

Riot has always maintained the 7-map pool for competitive queue in Valorant. This allows more map rotations to come in every season as the developers introduce newer maps alongside old reworks.

So far, the Split and Bind rework has been praised by the community as they have somewhat successfully changed some dynamics of the maps.

However, for Icebox, it may take more than just a few changes. Many professionals and content creators have expressed their thoughts on the map before, mostly negatively. Icebox is one least favored maps when it comes to Valorant's current meta.

Until Icebox returns with all the speculated changes, fans can enjoy the current map pool that includes Split, Bind, Lotus, Pearl, Haven, Ascent, and Fracture.

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